Getting up at first light to dig a hole at a wet spot is the epitomy of home. I can't remember a summer out here without a leak and a hole.
This one isn't much to complain about, should be an easy fix, but it made me realize that I didn't have to do any maintenance as an apartment dweller in Europe. Pretty cush life, really.
I did dig a hole in Jonathan's garden while we were there,, and that sucked. Really hard clay and lots of rocks. I'll take a rock free moist palouse silty loam any day over that tough Jena soil. This is the best soil in the world for digging a big hole, and at this ol' place that opportunity seems to arise frequently!
This one isn't much to complain about, should be an easy fix, but it made me realize that I didn't have to do any maintenance as an apartment dweller in Europe. Pretty cush life, really.
I did dig a hole in Jonathan's garden while we were there,, and that sucked. Really hard clay and lots of rocks. I'll take a rock free moist palouse silty loam any day over that tough Jena soil. This is the best soil in the world for digging a big hole, and at this ol' place that opportunity seems to arise frequently!
Your digging efforts are very much appreciated babe. I'll wear my levi's and pee on the side of the road any day, but this pisces can't go without water around here!!