Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Flight of the Blue Aphids

We call them blue fairies and they really are about as pretty as an aphid can get. The flight occurs on calm sunny days after the first frost. They usually only fly for a day or two, but when they do it is impressive. Maybe not worth a special trip to see, but quite a spectacle. Even the local radio people can't stop talking about them. Then the last orgy of summer is over and we know winter will soon follow.


  1. I love how they come every year at the same time, right before the weather turns cold for good. But I don't love how you can't go outside for a few days without them flying in your nose and eyes and teeth! It's so good to linger somewhere long enough to see the patterns over time.

  2. I had to laugh at a woman who, on the day of the bug flight, was pissed off that they were getting stuck in her lip gloss. :)

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